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     The International Cultural and Commercial Exchange Center of Xubeihong Painting Academy Co., Ltd. is mainly responsible for cultural and artistic exchanges and commercial activities with foreign countries. We should abide by international and national laws and regulations, promote the fine works of Chinese culture and art, strengthen cultural and artistic exchanges with other countries, and carry out trade exhibitions and sales of artworks. In accordance with the requirements of the Board of Directors of the Academy, we organize, plan and undertake national and international special exhibitions of multi-ethnic cultural and artistic works in accordance with the annual plan, giving priority to economic income generation and making new contributions to the promotion of the Chinese nation's culture.

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    版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院 郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照 

   國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.zgbjms.com 翻版必究
