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Official website of Xu Beihong Painting Academy




油  畫  院  簡  介



    In order to carry forward the Chinese national culture, study the patriotic spirit of Mr. Xu Beihong, an art educator, and adhere to the lofty morality of art serving the country and the people. According to the needs of the work and with the approval of the board of directors, China Xu Beihong painting academy has set up an academic research institute, oil painting institute, to carry out cultural exchange activities and artistic creation under the leadership of Xu Beihong Painting Academy. It is an internal department of non operating and non independent legal person. The main work of the Oil Painting Institute of China Xu Beihong Academy of painting is to research and create classical, modern and contemporary oil painting art, and carry out cultural exchange activities, so as to further promote the Chinese national culture to the world, and make new contributions to the artistic creation and economic construction of Xu Beihong painting Academy.

監 管:赫英全 
院 長:梁朝水 
副院长:池颖红 陈佳  王正根

學術主持:尚 辉 

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    版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院 專用郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照 

   國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn 翻版必究

