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Beijing Academy of traditional Chinese painting 



    In order to carry forward the Chinese nation's culture and adhere to the purpose of art serving the country and the nation, the Beijing Traditional Chinese Painting Academy, the ancient capital of the East, was formally established in 2005 with the approval of the competent authorities of the Beijing Municipal Government. After the reform of the Chinese cultural system, it was the first comprehensive painting academy with an independent legal entity of cultural entities and cultural entities with all-round development. After the establishment of the Beijing Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, it actively carried out international and domestic cultural exchanges and successfully held large-scale calligraphy and painting exhibitions for many times. At the same time, artists and workers should be seriously organized to participate in various public welfare activities, and donations made in support of the construction of Hope Primary School, flood relief and earthquake relief have received wide acclaim from all walks of life. Unified Social Credit Code: 91110105773359891M
   There are 28 professionals, including professors and associate professors, and 9 experts who enjoy special allowances from the State Council. Beijing Traditional Chinese Painting Academy, the ancient capital of the East, is one of the most influential contemporary art academies. The aim of the Academy is to promote the Chinese nation's culture and unite patriotic overseas Chinese artists to serve the modernization of China.


29 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

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    版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院 專用郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照 

   國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn 翻版必究

